No longer is it a theory or a fear. Clearly we are IN America’s Genocide Against Blacks. What more proof do you need??
- Abortion is the leading cause of Black American deaths. If you have a culture that doesn’t teach young men to be good fathers and husbands, and women to be good, kind, compassionate mothers, an unwed mother is likely to choose abortion rather than bring a black child into this current mess.
- Homicide is far and away the leading cause of death for young black men
- Car accidents, suicide and diseases follow
- Cancer from “New Pimp” type cigarettes causes at least 12 types of cancer. Cancers linked to tobacco use make up 40% of all cancers diagnosed
- Diabetes is the fourth leading cause of death among African Americans. The risk of developing diabetes is 30–40% higher for cigarette smokers than nonsmokers. ( How “Kool” is that?)
- Alcoholism, and Drug Addition
But those can be chalked up to lifestyle and the self-medicating despair caused by increased economic and social racism. But this isn’t the 1960s. The super rich have called in science, technology, and social engineering for the sole purpose of eliminating blacks from this country… and the world.
Swiss psychologist Carl Jung wrote that, “Only tortured people torture” so the people behind this, are obviously very twisted and undeveloped “human beings.”
This isn’t Civil Rights– it’s genocide. They began using new tactics in 1980. Blacks are the “Sacrificed Horse” that rich white men and women are offering up. M. Scott Peck wrote, “Mental health is synonymous with spiritual health.” There are energies inside of us that if we don’t deal with them the ways our forefathers and foremothers knew how, they will distort us and lead us to our own destruction. The old myths of America are useless. “The American Dream” has turned into a bankrupt nightmare and everyone should know, “Pull yourself up by your bootstraps” is a false fantasy no one can do. Humans are social animals and by myself– I self destruct.
We Need Each Other More Than Ever
But we have to start NOW at reversing the false beliefs that have been thrown at us and healing the traumas that we’ve done to each other. No matter what you do, you will never be “white” enough to survive a Holocaust nor survive deep oppression unscathed. White America is in danger of destroying themselves in pursuing this path. Look at what has happened to every nation that committed Holocaust:
- Cambodia is a hot mess– because in the 60s, Pol Pot thought it was a good idea to kill off all the smart people. A nation full of dumb people is not a fun place to be.
- The U.S. Army enlisted lighter skinned Filipinos during the Spanish American War, to “kill everyone under the age of 12.” The original inhabitants of the Philippines were black Aetas often called, “Negritos” and many were slaughtered. The legacy of racism and brutalism continues today in the Philippines–a nation known to eat its young– with their President Duarte– an extremely twisted man– who claims to have cured himself of homosexuality and deals with drug addiction with death squads, murdering his own citizens, when addiction is known everywhere to be a FAMILY and Cultural problem. You can’t kill your way to health… but that’s what comes from Right Wing “thinking” and a history of atrocities.
- Indonesia. Even though Christians kill more people than any other religion, Muslim Indonesia invaded Black West Papua, New Guinea over fifty years ago and the Indonesian security forces have committed a never ending catalogue of extreme human rights violations. Over 500,000 civilians have been killed in a genocide against the indigenous population. Thousands more have been raped, tortured, imprisoned or ‘disappeared’ after being detained. The result is that Indonesia has a history of brutality amongst its own people and the culture is extremely warped.
- Germany. There are many nations that have committed atrocities and genocide, but Germany is one of the recent worst. It has taken them decades to restore their soul. America isn’t even close to completing the mental and spiritual healing that bred psychopathy within the DNA of many of its citizens after slaughtering millions of Native Americans and Africans brought over during the Middle Passage.
- Africa. Yes, the Motherland is full of man’s inhumanity to man. Full of atrocities and genocides. Look what they did to our forefathers and mothers–sold us into slavery for trinkets. They are STILL paying for it.
Jungian therapist Robert Moore said:
“Evil is an archetype and a REAL force in the universe. Once it touches you, you never go unchanged.” It’s an EXTREMELY adolescent idea that you can commit evil– and not be infected by it.
Stop worshiping Evil. Never let yourself be defined by someone else’s Shadow!
Look at the many drug epidemics throughout white, “Middle America” going on right now that won’t ever be fully addressed because they are in denial of the roots of problems that run through White America. The super rich have never liked poor whites and it appears that MANY whites are being killed off too… but perhaps out of the fear of alarming them to what’s happening to them, all the focus is kept on “Black People.” are medicating a myriad of problems, but they’d rather put the blame on Black people.
There’s a fentanyl epidemic, a heroin epidemic, a Meth epidemic, and an OxyContin “hillbilly heroin” epidemic that looks like they’re killing more white people than black! In some parts of Appalachian communities and throughout the Rust Belt, Opioid addiction has emerged as such a major crime problem, that in some places it’s estimated that drug addiction is behind 80% of the crime.
But YOU are being offered up as sacrifice for “the” problem. Instead of making Mainstream America aware that there are so many whites being killed off that some areas report they have problems keeping up with the funerals everywhere in the media (esp. online) we’re bombarded with black drug addicts and black criminals. We cannot afford to look the other way. We don’t have time to keep being scapegoats. We have to work on ourselves and stop reacting to dumbshyt like some politician in black face. (JUST STOP) Or some white woman with a cornrow hairstyle. JUST STOP.
We have to take back what the church was supposed to offer. The “Royal Table to which ALL were called,” was in the hands of churches and temples, but the priest and clergy corrupted it with Sexism, Racism, MONEY, greed, Homophobic fears, and status. We HAVE to create what we need– it will not come from the very dysfunctional “Secrete Society” types who are successfully engineering our genocide without ever picking up a gun themselves.
“Every problem is an opportunity in work clothes.” ~ Henry J. Kaiser
Quite as it’s kept, Psychedelic Therapy is being used in rituals and healing ceremonies for healing PTSD, pouring off grief, and women’s ceremonies for, “Healing The Womb.” Wherever there is depression and problems… those are areas of opportunities for us to make ourselves the “Go-To” group for handling it.
- Foster Children– too many of those kids are OURS. If we started more non-profit mentoring agencies to help them, not only would we be paid, but when those children came of age, they’d be ready to protect and revitalize black neighborhoods and the culture rather than angrily and foolishly do even more damage to it and themselves.
- HIV/AIDS, Syphilis and other STDs. The HIV epidemic in the Black community is one of the biggest underreported stories of the past few decades. African-Americans make up just under 14 percent of the United States’ population but represent 44 percent of all new HIV cases. We have to mature our thinking around sexuality. All these people going to prison along with the increase of Meth addiction and other substances that increase sexual appetites means more “Down Low” secrete, toxic, traumatized sexuality. Every YEAR, Congress, State, and County dollars are sent out waiting for anyone with a Non-profit to grab the money and serve targeted populations like this. Not addressing the REAL sexuality in our communities means we continue to become infected, infect others, and die from the lies.
- Service. As much serving as we’ve done, we should be THE people who know how to serve others. Just as you give your guest the BEST in your house that you have to offer… best sheets to sleep on, best dishes to eat off, etc… Regardless if it’s a small coffee and cake shack you open, or an Airbnb room you’re renting, practicing treating others as you wish to be treated isn’t just good business– it matures your emotions and your psyche.
Black Lives Don’t Matter if You’re Not Producing Something The Larger Culture Can Use
Humans are the only animals that require a mythology… as a operating system. Without it, we have what we see in the United States today–insanity and mayhem. We no longer have a common myth that maps out how to love ourselves and relate to each other. Even worse, if you try and talk to a “stranger” in the grocery store, you’ll most likely be met with a silent glare of fear because too many have grown up bonded to their phones and computer screens–and not to other people. The screen doesn’t kick it with you. The screen doesn’t give back a witty comment that both can laugh at. If people have no “Relating Factor” (SEE: psychologist Alfred Adler) then we can’t talk… and if we can’t talk, we can’t solve the problems facing us.
It’s proven that you like whatever music you hear most. The CIA controlled media shoves “Celebrity Culture” at young people. Celebrity culture is empty and says teaches people to laugh at anyone who is honest. You cannot Individuate… become your true self, if you cannot be honest. That CIA controlled media also tells young blacks that their highest goal should be to become a criminal. That’s like volunteering to be the first to walk into the Nazi ovens. To be a criminal is to destroy highest self, to render yourself an untrustworthy sociopath, doomed to a life medicated with drugs, alcohol, and whatever brutal sex you can find. To be a criminal is to become a slave… never to realize your highest potential and live your happiest life. We HAVE to take our culture back… from those who mean us absolutely no good.
Here are some BASIC things we desperately need to do for our survival:
Black Mothers– Yes you DO need a man. A boy raised with the over emotionalism of being beat and yelled at and threatened results in an Oscar Grant… a male who cannot control the adrenaline cursing through his body even when the police have him down on the ground, with a knee in his back, handcuffed, and guns drawn on him. The result is he continues to yell– sometimes resist… resulting in the dumb-Nazi’s happiness at the opportunity of killing him.
All this “Emotionalism” is basically Borderline Personality Disorder that comes out of abandonment and abuse, and it creates males who cannot control their tempers and other emotions. Such behavior is contrary to mature masculine manhood… and it’s getting black people killed. DO NOT FIGHT Nazi Police!
Every culture knows the importance of Sacrifice. In Christianity, it is the story of Jesus feeding the masses with fishes and loafs. Even an incomplete sacrifice to your God and/or to your family and culture is rewarded. Right now, America is using US for it’s sacrifice.
You can’t win a war if you continue to face the wrong targets. Stop reacting to their dumb shyt and start rebuilding OUR strength. America’s genocide against blacks won’t be won with 1960s rhetoric nor tactics. We have to up our game… because the stakes are much, much higher. It’s no longer about being second class citizens… it’s about survival.
Look at Why Immigrants are Succeeding
Instead of being jealous and hating, take a long honest look at why some immigrant communities are succeeding where we’re dying.
Yes, Corporate America is bringing Hispanics in to replace us. But why? Forget the racism for a minute. I walk through the VA Hospital and I see IMMIGRANT Latinos working HARD. They go to work to show how irreplaceable they are. Too many of us go to work just to hurry up and get off work. Take a look at where we’re broken and become innovative in fixing it. Look at how Asian communities love and support each other instead of jealously (and FOOLISHLY) attacking them. You already know Korporate Nazi Media is eager to paint us in the WORST possible light, teach others not to volunteer to be, “Fool Of The Day” and pick up your game instead of picking up childish rocks to throw.
Peace and Blessings to all. Drop the chest beating narcissism and BUILD yourselves and each other. Make yourself valuable to self and others–that’s how we stay on the planet.